If you have any feedback on how we can make this website better please do contact us by email: thomas@businessoftrust.com

Welcome to the TrustResearch website!

The aim of  this website is to support ongoing research on trust in business

The Overview page outlines the conceptual framework of the current research. You can also watch the introductory video on YouTube and familiarise with the research methodology for data collection and analysis.

The current project commenced in 2008 and the work was substantively completed in 2013. The Researcher was awarded a PhD for this work in 2014. 

A summary report on the research results will be made available in due course. This website is the primary repository of all relevant information and is designed to facilitate the communication with various stakeholders.

Most areas of this website are accessible without dedicated usernames/passwords; confidential data is protected though.

Thomas Mischo, PhD

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