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Thomas Mischo, PhD


  • Originally from Germany; living, working, and researching in Ireland and UK since 2004
  • More than 30 years of professional experience in the risk advisory and management consulting (industry and practice)
  • Worked with Big 4 professional services firm and as consulting director with mid-tier consultancy practice; operates as independent consultant and researcher since 2009.
  • Obtained MSc with distinction in 2006/2007 and PhD degree in 2014 from at Birmingham City Business School.
  • Research interests include: Organisational behaviour; management and leadership theory and practice; organisational development; trust in organisations; link between governance, leadership, trust and performance.

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Should the owners of any external websites wish to incorporate a link to 
www.businessoftrust.com, Dr. Thomas Mischo would appreciate, as a matter of courtesy, to be informed accordingly. 


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