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The title of the research is:

"Organisational Trust Behaviour in Crisis Management: Development of a Psychometric Assessment"

The objectives are:

1. Identify organisational trust behaviour and attitudes that are important for managers and leaders to demonstrate in crisis situations.

2. Categorise and condense the individual behaviours and attitude into distinct and coherent clusters and validate those categories through independent expert review.

3. Develop and validate a measurement instrument, comprising one or more scales with appropriate psychometric properties (construct validity, internal consistency reliability, good discriminatory power, and appropriate standardisation/norms).

4. Conduct a cross-national validation and norm-creation study for the new instrument.

Click here, if you are interested in and want to read more about the four underlying key concepts:
   -  Organisational Trust
   -  Management Control Systems
   -  Crisis Management
   -  Psychometrics

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